Sugar Maple Pruning

This mature Sugar maple was pruned for retrenchment to encourage proximal growth as well as structural reductions and form.

Crab Apple Form & Structure Pruning

Ornamental trees such as this Crabapple, which has become overgrown, can become unappealing rather than serving their intended purpose of improving the landscape. This tree was pruned to have a cleaner appearance as well as for structural reductions to reduce the likelihood of branch failure. The change in appearance with this specimen is quite remarkable.

Manitoba Maple Clearance Pruning

Clearance pruning; preventative maintenance that can help avoid unnecessary and, at times, costly repairs. This Manitoba maple was resting on this roof, causing damage to the eaves and shingles due to prolonged abrasion. Trees in close proximity to structures can have negative effects that cause damage over time even if they do not make contact. Reduced air flow and shading effects of trees that have overgrown their environment can often lead to moisture damage.

Sugar Maple Formative Care

Formative: Juvenile and newly planted trees benefit most from formative pruning. Formative pruning aids in the development of preferable branching structure and removes undesirable limbs that may eventually become poorly attached/formed limbs.


From report writing and analysis to construction programs and diagnosis.


Aiding with aesthetics, structure and stability. Pruning is beneficial to your trees health and value.

Cabling & Bracing

Trees that have had little or no maintenance can develop branching issues that only structural aids can stabilize.


Hazardous, poorly located and declining trees. Sometimes only complete removal can offer safety, alleviate concern and provide the opportunity to begin anew.